Lakpesdam PBNU Inviting Suitable Candidates for Project Finance and Administration Manager

The Institution of the Human Resources Development and Studies (Lakpesdam) is an entity affiliated withNadhlatul Ulama (NU) and was established by Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) on 7 April 1985in conjunction with the 61st NU anniversary in Jakarta bringing the vision to become a trusted facilitatorand think-tank in strengthening conducive environment toward the realization […]

Lakpesdam PBNU Inviting Suitable Candidates for Finance and Accounting Officer

The Institution of the Human Resources Development and Studies (Lakpesdam) is an entity affiliated withNadhlatul Ulama (NU) and was established by Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) on 7 April 1985in conjunction with the 61st NU anniversary in Jakarta bringing the vision to become a trusted facilitatorand think-tank in strengthening conducive environment toward the realization […]

Lakpesdam PBNU Inviting Suitable Candidates for Finance and Accounting Assistant

The Institution of the Human Resources Development and Studies (Lakpesdam) is an entity affiliated withNadhlatul Ulama (NU) and was established by Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) on 7 April 1985in conjunction with the 61st NU anniversary in Jakarta bringing the vision to become a trusted facilitatorand think-tank in strengthening conducive environment toward the realization […]